Boogalu and Pearl's Page

A blog about Boogalu and Pearl, Beagles who were rescued.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Boogalu has discovered the bunnies living under a friends deck. If you want to witness obsessive behaviour watch Boogalu attempt to get to the bunnies.

This bunny has learned that Boogalu can't reach him through the fencing that surrounds the deck. The bunny is taunting the dog by sitting in the sun, nibbling some grass.

Witness the valiant attempts by Boogalu to get to the bunny. He's actually chewed the deck in a couple of spots.

He attempts to stick his paw as far through the fencing as he possibly can and still can't quite make it. The bunny nibbles on.

After an hour or so of bunny pursuit, we drag him back into the house. If the water bowl is empty, he brings it out to us. He then threatens to chew up the water dish unless someone puts water in it.

Boogalu has been a lot of fun this week and he greatly enjoys going over to the Bunny Deck.


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