Boogalu and Pearl's Page

A blog about Boogalu and Pearl, Beagles who were rescued.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone!

I've been trying to capture a picture of the Boogalu and Pearl in front of the Christmas tree. Ha! What was I thinking? or drinking? Pearl shys from the camera, especially if there is a flash involved. So I'm forced to use natural lighting. Which means the wiggle beagle is blurry. I'll try again later.

I guess Boogie was cold the other day because he dug up the covering I have on the chair and snuggled under it. Of course, it was a cute camera moment.

And because Pearlie is so camera shy, it's difficult to get nice shots of her. Usually we get her while she's asleep. Here, she's sleeping on the floor of my sewing room.